Risk Management
• Services
Intermoney Valora Consulting has adapted the services it renders its more than 100 customers in every aspect relative to the risk function, answering the new requirements and necesities brought to light in this constinuously evolving environment. These services include organizational consultancy projects, measurement and control of risks and others, such as the following:
Organizational and strategical projects
- Counselling projects in the creation and design of the risk function in financial entities. Functions and responsibilities.
- Revision and adaptation of existing organizational structures (procedures, circuits, and criteria in risk management) to accommodate them to the new requirements and best practices: throughout the whole risk map and throughout any risk subset (credit, market, liquidity).
- Strategic counselling in financial risk management: credit, market and liquidity.
- Audit of risk management systems and processes. Internal audit support.
Measure and control projects
- Measurement and evaluation of market, credit and liquidity risks of all types of portfolios and products.
- Hedge effectiveness tests.